All of Our Breeding Dogs are Goldendoodle Association of North America (GANA) Registered,
and meet the criteria for GANA Gold Level Classification! Studs available on a limited basis to approved females.
Zippity Doodles Mini Multigen Goldendoodle


Toby is an apricot mini multigen Goldendoodle who carries for Parti, BBee, KbKb, ayay, DD and is +/- for curl, and IC clear. He weighs 25 lbs and stands 16.5 inches tall. Toby likes everyone, and everyone (dogs and people alike) like him! He has a sweet happy go lucky attitude and loves hanging out with his guardian family and his cat. Toby's testing includes OFA hip and elbow prelims, OFA CAER (eyes), OFA Cardiac, OFA Patella. DNA testing including PRA/Prcd, GR-PRA 1&2, Degenerative Myelopathy, Ichthyosis, Neonatal Encephalopathy, and VonWillebrands I, II & III, MDR1, and more (complete Dna panel).

Zeke Zippity Doodles Multigen Goldendoodle


Zeke is a mini multigen Goldendoodle who is red with strong white "chrome" markings and carries for brown & parti (Bbee KBKB atat DD, +/- curl, IC clear).  He is a power snuggler and LOVES his stuffed animals (especially his Unicorn that he hugs while he sleeps)! Watching TV shows about animals is his favorite pastime when he isn't playing with the neighborhood dogs; and his favorite movie is Harry Potter. Zeke weighs 23 lbs., and is 17" tall at his shoulder. He has completed his Blue Ribbon level testing which includes OFA hip and elbow prelims, OFA CAER CERF (eyes), OFA Cardiac, OFA Patellas. DNA testing includes PRA/Prcd, GR-PRA 1&2, VonWillebrands I & II, Neonatal Encephalopathy, Degenerative Myelopathy, Ichthyosis, Macrothrombocytopenia, Globoid Cell Leukodystrophy, Gangliosidosis, Muscular Dystrophy, Dystrophic Epidermolysis Bullosa, Malignant Hyperthermia, Neuronal Ceriod Liposuscinosis, Osteogenesis Imperfecta, Osteochondrodysplasia and more (complete DNA panel).

Zippity Doodles Mini Goldendoodle Zoey


Zoey, a mini multigen Goldendoodle, is the biggest snuggler on the planet according to her guardians (additionally, she takes up more bed than her guardian family does each night)! She is loving and sweet to everyone she meets, and gives great hugs. Zoey is incredibly smart, and has figured out exactly what she needs to do to earn herself maximum treats throughout her daily routines. Zoey weighs 25 lbs and is 16.5" tall at the wither. She has a wavy apricot coat and carries for parti color so she can produce puppies with white markings and/or parti puppies, depending on the stud that she is paired with. Zoey's testing includes OFA CAER (eyes), OFA Hip & Elbow prelims, OFA Cardiac, OFA Patellas. DNA testing includes PRA/Prcd, GR-PRA 1&2, VonWillebrands I & II, Neonatal Encephalopathy, Degenerative Myelopathy, Ichthyosis, Osteogenesis Imperfecta, Osteochondrodysplasia and more (complete DNA panel).

Zippity Doodles Multigen Mini Goldendoodle  Pepper

Pepper, a mini/medium multigen Goldendoodle, is a very special girl. You'll never meet a dog that can look so deeply into your eyes (and soul) for so long! We love how she "talks" using her voice and her paws to get her point across. Needless to say, she is quite expressive. When not having a conversation with you, Pepper is a rather quiet, sensitive girl who is always happy to be by your side... the ultimate snuggler and lover. She is the best puppy nanny we have, careful and gentle with the young ones. Pepper weighs 33 lbs and is 21" tall at the wither. Her coat is blue merle and her litters will have an assortment of colors, potentially including puppies that are blue or red merle, solid red/apricot/cream, solid black, or solid chocolate (the solids may have white markings) depending on the color of the mate that she is paired with. Pepper's testing includes OFA CAER (eyes), OFA Hip & Elbow prelims, OFA Cardiac, OFA Patellas. DNA testing includes PRA/Prcd, GR-PRA 1&2, VonWillebrands I & II, Neonatal Encephalopathy, Degenerative Myelopathy, Ichthyosis, Osteogenesis Imperfecta, Osteochondrodysplasia and more (complete DNA panel).
Mini Goldendoodle

Penny is a mini multigen Goldendoodle who loves snuggling & laying in the sunshine. Her parents are Winnie & Murphy. She is a constant companion to her Guardian family, always wanting to be near the kids; following them inside or out. She enjoys her favorite toy, tossing it up in the air and then pouncing! And of course she is always ready to cuddle. Penny weighs 20 lbs., is 17 inches tall, and has a straight dark apricot coat with "chrome" markings. She can produce pups in the cream, apricot and red range (possibly with chrome). Penny is tested to the Blue Ribbon level, which means her testing includes OFA CAER-previously CERF (eyes), OFA Hip & Elbow prelims, OFA Cardiac, OFA Patellas; DNA testing includes PRA/Prcd, GR-PRA 1&2, VonWillebrands I & II, Neonatal Encephalopathy, Degenerative Myelopathy, Ichthyosis, Osteogenesis Imperfecta, Osteochondrodysplasia and more (complete DNA panel).
Zippity Doodles Mini Multigen Goldendoodle Lulu Belle

Lulu is just the cutest. She loves people and cuddling. Many days you will find her posing as the most adorable influencer for her guardian Mom's business. For exercise, she loves playing catch with her human brothers, hiking, and chasing squirrels. She balances her day by sleeping in, and of course, spending lots of time sitting in laps! Lulu weighs 20 lbs., is 17 inches tall, has a silky, wavy, white and dark apricot Parti coat. Depending on who she is paired with, she can produce puppies in the red/apricot range with Parti color, strong white (chrome) markings, or solid color. Lulu's testing: OFA hip and elbow prelims, OFA CAER (eyes), OFA Cardiac, OFA Patella. DNA testing: Lulu is clear by parentage for PRA/Prcd, GR-PRA 1&2, DM, DEB, GM2, ICH, NEWS,  vWD, MD, NCL5, CMS, OCD, OI, and more (complete Dna panel).


Zippity Doodles Goldendoodle  Wink

Wink is a medium multigen Goldendoodle with a straight coat (BBee, KbKb, atat, DD, Ssp, curl -/-, IC clear). He's a "wonderful dog" even according to the notes on his OFA eye certificate ;o) He weighs 40 lbs, and is a stocky boy. Wink has completed his Blue Ribbon level testing which includes OFA hip and elbow prelims, OFA CAER CERF (eyes), OFA Cardiac, OFA Patellas. DNA testing includes PRA/Prcd, GR-PRA 1&2, VonWillebrands I & II, Neonatal Encephalopathy, Degenerative Myelopathy, Ichthyosis, Macrothrombocytopenia, Globoid Cell Leukodystrophy, Gangliosidosis, Muscular Dystrophy, Dystrophic Epidermolysis Bullosa, Malignant Hyperthermia, Neuronal Ceriod Liposuscinosis, Osteogenesis Imperfecta, Osteochondrodysplasia and more (complete DNA panel).
Wrigley Mini Multigen Goldendoodle Wrigley

Wrigley is a mini multigen Goldendoodle with a straight apricot coat (BBee, KbKb, atat, DD, curl -/-, IC clear). He's just the best, calm, sweet, gentle and loved by his Guardian Family and everyone who meets him! A total snuggle bug, he is a quick learner; and hide and seek is his favorite game. Even though he's only 27 lbs and 17 inches tall, his love will fill your heart. Wrigley has completed his Blue Ribbon level testing which includes OFA hip and elbow prelims, OFA CAER-previously CERF (eyes), OFA Cardiac, OFA Patellas. DNA testing including PRA/Prcd, GR-PRA 1&2, VonWillebrands I & II, Neonatal Encephalopathy, Degenerative Myelopathy, Ichthyosis, Globoid Cell Leukodystrophy, Gangliosidosis, Muscular Dystrophy, Dystrophic Epidermolysis Bullosa, Malignant Hyperthermia, Neuronal Ceriod Liposuscinosis, Osteogenesis Imperfecta, and Osteochondrodysplasia and more (complete DNA panel). His testing includes OFA CAER-previously CERF (eyes), OFA Hip & Elbow prelims, OFA Cardiac, OFA Patellas; and he is VonWillebrands and PRA/Prcd clear by parentage. 
Mini Multigen Goldendoodle Murphy

Murphy is a mini Multigen Goldendoodle with a straight dark apricot coat (BBee, KbKb, atat, DD, curl -/-, IC clear) and white chrome markings. Murphy will snuggle and curl up with his buddies (human and canine) for hours; but outside he loves to romp and play (he especially loves to chase balls). Murphy's also very aware of his environment, and notices things others may miss (like a bird in the sky, or he can be found outside spying through the windows to see what he's missing inside).  Weighing 28 lbs and 17 inches tall, Murphy has completed his Blue Ribbon level testing which includes OFA hip and elbow prelims, OFA CAER (eyes), OFA Cardiac, OFA Patellas. DNA testing includes PRA/Prcd, GR-PRA 1&2, VonWillebrands I & II, Neonatal Encephalopathy, Degenerative Myelopathy, Ichthyosis, Macrothrombocytopenia, Globoid Cell Leukodystrophy, Gangliosidosis, Muscular Dystrophy, Dystrophic Epidermolysis Bullosa, Malignant Hyperthermia, Neuronal Ceriod Liposuscinosis, Osteogenesis Imperfecta, Osteochondrodysplasia and more (complete DNA panel).


Stella ~ Now Retired
Featured in The Goldendoodle Handbook

Stella is a medium F1 Goldendoodle (Goldendoodle x Poodle) and is Mom to F1b Goldendoodle puppies. She has a dark apricot coat, is 20" tall, and weighs 40 lbs. Besides being a certified therapy dog, Stella is the smartest puppy we have ever bred! Of course high intelligence can have it's downside, and she has sometimes been known to use her problem solving skills to break the rules ;o)  Stella's insight and awareness of her environment is amazing, and she is an extremely loving, cuddly girl, which makes her a great certified therapy dog. She is as passionate about tennis balls as any Golden Retriever; and riding in the car to any destination is a favorite. You may have seen her in "The Goldendoodle Handbook"! Stella's testing includes OFA CAER-previously CERF (eyes), OFA Hip & Elbow prelims, OFA Cardiac, OFA Patellas; and she is VonWillebrands and PRA/Prcd clear by parentage. 

Guinness F1b English Goldendoodle Guinness  ~ Now Retired
Featured in The Goldendoodle Handbook

Guinness is an F1b English Goldendoodle who is medium sized but with a "heart" that is giant. He is a gentle soul who comes along wherever you are and softly snuggles right up. You won't find a sweeter dog. At Romps he is the one who enjoys playing with the dogs, but also makes sure to hang out with all the humans too. Guinness is red with adorable white "chrome" markings on his head, chest, feet, and tip of his tail (that he often passes along to his pups), is 20" tall at the shoulder and weighs 45 lbs. He carries Red, Apricot, Cream, Brown and Parti (spotting). Guinness is pictured in "The Goldendoodle Handbook" too! Guinness has completed his Blue Ribbon level testing including OFA hip and elbow prelims, OFA CAER (eyes), OFA Cardiac, OFA Patellas, PRA/Prcd, GR-PRA 1&2, Degenerative Myelopathy, Globoid Cell Leukodystrophy, Gangliosidosis, X-Linked Muscular Dystrophy, Neonatal Encephalopathy, and VonWillebrands.
Zippity Doodles Mini Multigen Goldendoodle

ZoZo ~ Now Retired

Featured in The Goldendoodle Handbook

ZoZo is a Petite Multigen Goldendoodle who is smart as a whip & charms everyone she meets. She loves doing tricks and especially loves doing them in rapid succession... if you don't give commands fast enough, she'll just repeat the trick for you! Outside, ZoZo is so fast that she can run circles around the bigger dogs, but inside she has managed to gain the #1 position as the Queen of the sofa. At 17 lbs. and 15" tall with an apricot coat and white chrome markings, she produces colorful puppies (including Parti) on the smaller side. ZoZo's testing includes OFA CAER (eyes), OFA Hip & Elbow prelims, OFA Cardiac, OFA Patellas; and she is VonWillebrands and PRA/Prcd clear by parentage.  

Aedyn Aedyn ~ Now Retired

Aedyn is a mini/medium Multigen Goldendoodle who is half English & half American. Aedyn's dark apricot & white coat is Bbee, IC clear, and +/- for curl, and he carries for Parti. He weighs 28 lbs. According to his Guardian, Aedyn (Irish for "Little Fire, named because of his red coat with white "flames" on his chest, forehead and paws), has been exceptionally easy to train, and is a gentle playmate to his toddler (human) brother. He loves chasing his human and canine companions outside; and then cuddling into a lap for loving. Aedyn is bright (in temperament and intellegence), easy-going, confident, affectionate and softhearted; but also spirited and playful. He has completed his Blue Ribbon level testing which includes OFA hip and elbow prelims, OFA CAER (eyes), OFA Cardiac, OFA Patellas, PRA/Prcd, GR-PRA 1&2, Degenerative Myelopathy, Ichthyosis, Neonatal Encephalopathy, and VonWillebrands I & II.

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